Buying genuine leather requires careful consideration and the ability to recognise good, quality materials. For the average shopper, the leather may just be leather, but most of us know that isn't the case; manufacturers could use different kinds of leather depending on the product in question.
If you're planning to invest in the quality of your leather product, there are two things you must know:
While the final decision is ultimately yours, we are the best leather supplier to help provide you with information and details to increase your knowledge to assist with that choice.
Leather is versatile, making it an optimal choice for many different applications. If you enjoy leather products, it's essential to find a high-quality Leffler leather supplier to help you bring care to your collection.
You might use leather for:
There are a few factors to consider when buying leather for your projects:
Store your leather hides flat and out of direct sunlight for best results. You can also hang the leather if you have the vertical space for it, but make sure it’s flat however you store it. Likewise, keep the hides covered to prevent dust from accumulating over time.
Finally, humidity also impacts leather hides; avoid getting your leather wet to prevent the water from binding with the oils in the hides. When the leather loses its oils, it starts to dry out.
We're the best-kept secret in the leather supplier market; our goal is to encourage and inspire our clients while delivering the highest-quality black leather hides for sale.